Detailed view for the Book: Worlds of Tomorrow: The Amazing Universe of Science-Fiction Art


Worlds of Tomorrow: The Amazing Universe of Science-Fiction Art



Science Fiction
Fine Arts


# Date Publisher Binding Cover
1 2004-00-00 Collectors Press  

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Full title: Worlds of Tomorrow: The Amazing Universe of Science-Fiction Art

From deep in the heart of imagination, where galaxies grow, robots rule, and Martians cause mayhem, comes Worlds of Tomorrow: The Amazing Universe of Science Fiction Art. Teeming with gigantic insects, spaceships, and scantily-clad heroines, the science fiction pulp magazines and book covers of the 1920s through the 1960s represent a generation"s vision of the future. Written by lifetime science fiction collector, fan, and B-movie icon Forrest J Ackerman with Brad Linaweaver, more than 275 beautifully displayed science fiction covers come back to life in text and chapters grouped by theme. Explore the creative geniuses that molded our vision of the great unknown into what it is today. As citizens of planet Earth, we owe a lot to the great science fiction writers, illustrators, and moviemakers of the past century. From their gleaming, towering, futuristic cities come architectural inspiration. From their prophecies and positive thinking come true scientific discoveries and investigation. From their predictions of war and devastation come humility and humanity. The artwork displayed on the covers of these publications fueled much more than children"s imaginations. It fueled the minds of future physicists, scientists, and scholars. It challenged society to explore preconceived notions of humanness through the guise of robots and androids. Rocket ships and flying saucers fed a timeless wanderlust, while ray guns served as a reminder of mankind"s destructive capacity. Authors Forrest J Ackerman and Brad Linaweaver partner their unique insight and mutual admiration for each other in an engaging and meaningful conversation about the history of science fiction art.