Detailed view for the Book: Dungeon Master's Guide


Dungeon Master's Guide



Games & Entertainment
Setting: Forgotten Realms
Setting: Greyhawk


Dungeons & Dragons, Adv. (1st ed.)


Review Author
Gary Gygax - Dungeon Master's Guide (AD&D, 1st Ed) - 10 Darb


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2 votes
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2 votes
Average Complexity:
1 votes


# Date Publisher Binding Cover
1 1977-00-00 TSR Inc.  

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IBDoF Member Remarks: This book pretty much lifted the nascent role playing game hobby into orbit, in a big way ... put another way, this book (and the first edition as a whole) was to RPGs what the Mercury Astronauts were to NASA. In here you"ll find almost everything you need in order to create and run (referee) a role playing campaign in the AD&D fantasy game system. It won"t teach you how to be a good storyteller (that comes with talent and practice) ... but it does give novice GMs (game masters) *SCADS* of pre-fabricated information about suggested rudimentary game mechanics: things like random encounter tables, encumberance charts, melee combat, treasure tables, armor and weapon tables, magic item descriptions, experience point awards, randomly generated terrain and weather, etc. Think of it as a set of training wheels - after several years experience with world creation and improvizational storytelling, you"ll eventually be able to lay books like this aside and work comfortably without Gygax"s "safety net" (of re-fab rules). Remember the golden maxim of experienced GMs: [i]"The "rules" are merely GUIDELINES - they are NOT cast in stone."[/i] The writing itself is mediocre, and it"s poorly indexed and a bit rough and confusing in places, but it was a trailblazing piece of work in it"s day, and it spawned/revolutionised the RPG Hobby as a whole.