Detailed view for the Book: Robin Hood and the Bells of London


Robin Hood and the Bells of London



Fairy Tales


Tales of Robin Hood


# Date Publisher Binding Cover
1 2009-02-01 Merry Man Publishing  

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Outlaws in an Outlaw City...

Little John is lost, a slave somewhere in the mean streets of London. Robin Hood and His Merry Men, Women, and Children have vowed to free him or die.

As the city simmers with heat and hatred, the fighters of Sherwood Forest battle alchemists, assassins, and aldermen in tournaments, in pit fights, at palace balls, in fetid prisons, and in cathedral steeples.

Beaten, betrayed, and bedeviled, Robin Hood finds his band melting away as the outlaws adapt to new city ways. Until plague wracks the city and pogroms wreak havoc, and the legendary outlaws rally to bring justice to the streets - while the city burns to the brazen tolls of the Bells of London...