Detailed view for the Book: Faery Magic (Anthology)


Faery Magic (Anthology)



Fairy Tales


# Date Publisher Binding Cover
1 1998-01-01 Zebra  

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The Lord of Elphindale by Jo Beverley
A lovely lady discovers she is half-faery, created to bind a special man to the faery realm. But when he claims to love another, she defies the might of faeries to try and set him free.

The Faery Braid by Karen Harbaugh
Stolen by Faerie to increase their powers, a beautiful changeling must choose between the lure of magic and the doomed mortal stranger who calls to her still-human heart.

The Love Talker by Barbara Samuel
A faery lord is condemned to haunt the misty glens, cursed by his need to seduce mortal women to their deaths --- until a simple maid defies his spell and captures his heart.

Dangerous Gifts by Mary Jo Putney
A shy mortal girl rashly accepts a faery lord's offer of beauty and charm. Then he comes to claim a terrible price --- the loss of her new love and everything she holds dear.