Detailed view for the Book: Castles Made of Sand


Castles Made of Sand



Science Fiction


Bold as Love


# Date Publisher Binding Cover
1 2002-00-00  

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Ax Preston, Sage Pender and Fiorinda, charismatic leaders of the Rock 'n' Roll Reich, have beaten the cascade of disasters that followed the collapse of the United Kingdom. While they struggle to find some resolution to the impossible dynamics of their own relationship, the world keeps getting stranger.
There are fearsome things going on in England's rural hinterland, the green nazis are planning a final solution to desperate environmental damage, and Sage is getting more and more involved in the ZenSelf quest for ultimate consciousness. It's tricky when the temptations of power and the complexities of love are so closely woven, but there's nothing the Triumvirate can't handle...until Fiorinda's father, secret master of magic both old and totally new, reaches out to claim his magical child, the flower-bride.

And that's when darkness falls over Ax's England.