Wolf's Blood (Spoiler Alert!)

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Wolf's Blood (Spoiler Alert!)

Post by tinbender »

*Note: If you haven't read Wolf's Blood, turn back now! I used spoiler tags, but not everyone will and considering it's a discussion thread for the book, there's probably not much reason to.*
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As usual, the plot and sub-plots had more twists and turns than a rabbit running from Firekeeper and Blind Seer. I think that's what I like most about Jane's books is that you're never sure what is going to happen right up to the end, and even if you are sure you wind up being surprised.

I was very pleased with the book. I was glad to see Grateful Peace, Citrine, and Elation brought back into the story. I would have liked to have seen more of Doc and Elise, but they filled the role the needed to fill.

Most of the questions were answered and the ongoing sub-plots were concluded. I would have liked to have seen Derian going back to u-Bishinti and to his parent's in Hawk Haven, but that's OK. I wouldn't be too surprised to see something about it at a later time.

Going into this book, I would've bet that Derian and Firekeeper would end up together. This wasn't the most obvious choice but then the most obvious things usually didn't happen in this series. I could see his adjustment to his new appearance driving them together. Not sure how it would've worked with Blind Seer, but I figured something would've been worked out. Guess I was wrong. :lol: My other choices would have probably been Derian getting with Rahniseeta, or the Fox Woman (she was brought up a few times for no real good reason). I had Isende farther down the list but probably should've seen it coming. I thought that there was a good chance that Firekeeper would somehow stay with Blind Seer, but I didn't necessarily expect them to stay in the same forms that they were.

While the book did a good job of ending the series, it also left open the possibility of more in the future. The Old World really hasn't been looked at. Firekeeper and Blind Seer could create an interesting situation with the Royal Wolves, especially with the tensions with the settlers in their area (that was never looked at again.) The Nexus of course brings all kinds of possibilities. Derian still has to go home. This is just a few subjects. When I wrote Jane Lindskold last summer after finishing Wolf Hunting, I mentioned the end of the series and she mentioned that she still has more ideas for Firekeeper and that it was just time to write some of her other book ideas. I think at some point in the future we'll see more of Firekeeper and friends.
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Post by Gamashinoch »

I agree that she <i>may</i> delve back in later.

I actually emailed her late last night and was glad that she had time in her schedule to reply.

We'll see though...
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Post by valolove1975 »

I just finished the book last night and I loved it. I was a little sad though that it's over. I hope you're right that maybe someday down the road she will decide to write more.
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Post by Misha12 »

Friggin' awesome book! I was so depressed when I got to the end though knowing it would be the last:(
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I was kinda upset they didnt tie all loose ends though. And I was expecting Derian to turn back to the way he was. But, thats also why I loved the book so much. Things happened I didn't expect o_o. And though I wasn't expecting him to stay that way, I really like horsey Derian ;)
The execution of Tiniel was a complete shocker to me! Didn't see that coming at all. Though I was glad she didn't try to go around the subject that the Meddler was left to live even though Tiniel was beheaded. I guess Tiniel had their trust and trampled it, while Meddler never had anyones trust to trample. He acted the way they kinda figured he would. If this really is the final book then I would've liked some kinda of "blah years later..." type of thing. Some more closure. But I supposed leaving it the way it is leaves room for the fans to continue the story in their imagination :)
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Post by Nathan2006 »

Yay! Discussion! At long last.

I liked it, I thought it was okay. It wasn't the strongest in the series, but, it was suitable (Which, actually, is saying a lot, considering I never really like the 'last' book in a series)

I didn't like the way she brought back Elation. It reeked of the 'cheese' factor. I would've like Elation to have come back, but in a less 'cheesy' way. It was just like 'Oh look, Elation'. And there she is. Kind of as weird as if they had run into Race Forester:

"Hey, Race! Whatcha doin'?" Asked Firekeeper.

"Didn't you know, I always hike here... What're you doin'?" He replied.

"I smelled him a while ago. But I thought you'd want a surprise." Blind seer said to Firekeeper.

Firekeeper kicked Blind Seer, laughing as he pretended to whimper. Race didn't notice.

"Why, we're searching for a way to end the burning plague, so people can do magic without getting really sick or dying." Firekeeper said.

"Goodness, well, if you need my skills--"

"Of course we do. If we didn't, Jane wouldn't have made you come here to this exact spot."

"How convient!"

"Does anybody smell cheese?"

"Of course I do, my nosedead snuggums!"

But, that being said, I liked it. I liked that Jane made the Old world complex, instead of just having 'The Old World'. I liked the execution at the end.

I liked the book. I could probably find dozens of things to nitpick about, but it was still a really great book. (I love Jane... Her writing. I've actually never met her, so loving her would be creepy. So I don't. Not that I did in the first place...)
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Post by Misha12 »

LMAO--> 'does anyone smell cheese?' :P
Yeah, I guess there was some cheeseness to it....Derian's voice broke at the sight of her...awwww ^^
But, it would be much worse if indeed she did bring back Race...or Saphire....or anyone else really o_O. I guess I didn't really mind because I like Elation >_>.Thats probably why I didn't mind when Edlin randomly popped up :P
I wish they wouldve found a cure in that book though -_-
I need more closure >_<
What did you think of Tiniel's end?
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Post by ravenwing989 »

OMG!!!! It's over!!!!! I can't believe it!!! :cry: (I actually am crying btw. I can hardly see the stupid computer screen).

At the end of the book (which I just finished about two seconds ago), I was like "Ajafladbab!!!! OMG!!! WTF?!"

It can't be over!!!!! :cry:

I was so sure Firekeeper and Derian were gonna end up together, with his horsey appearance and all. I thought she would totally accept him for what he was and even love him for that. T-T But no, Isende (grr) had to fill that part. But she's not so bad. Better than Rahniseeta, or Heather, or all the other whatsherfaces.

Yay!!!! I say, I was happy to see Edlin again, what? :D

I can't freakin' believe that Tiniel was *draws finger over throat with sound effects*......gah!!!

I had this really weird daydream that Tiniel and Firekeeper ended up together. :crazy: Pretty weird.

Also, I can't freakin' believe that she ended up with Blind Seer!!!!! OMG!!!!! Derain....... :cry: Oh well.....maybe in the future.....

At the end, it sounded like Isende was helping Derian contribute to his bedpost counter. ^^

And why didn't they find a cure for querlino (sp)? Come on people, it's the last freaking book and its freaking over!!!!! *sob*

OMFG!!!!!! It can't be over, it just can't!!!!! :cry:
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Post by ravenwing989 »

I think the ending wasn't good enough. I know she wanted to give the readers room to imagine, but I wanted just a little bit more closure.
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Post by Misha12 »

Wait a minute....how did you go from not reading Wolf Hunting...to finishing the series? o_o OMG you beat Moonwolf! lol! Yay! I can draw spoiler pictures now! Wahoo!
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Post by ravenwing989 »

I read fast. ^_~ Woot!!

I can't believe how much Meddler was in love with Firekeeper. Sort of shocking, really. ^^
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Post by ravenwing989 »

Oh yeah, the last few pages were so sweet!!! Awwww....^^
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Post by Misha12 »

WB spoiler
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I was really dispointed that there was no cure at the end. It was like...all that for nothing. And poor Tiniel T-T. I really liked him u_u. TinielxCitrine would've been cute ^_~.
I liked Isende, though the pairing took me by surprise at first o_o.
Poor meddler, he wanted Firekeeper BAD, lol. And he lost her to a wolf^_~. I still wonder if that side story she did is based off him.
There is SO much more room for another book!
I wonder if a cure for the plaque would mean those once dead would return back to normal o_O?I wonder if the meddler manages to stir up trouble in the nexus islands? I wonder if Isende had lil' Derian babies? I wonder Derian ever went to go see his parents and what their reaction was? Or what king Tedric thought of his youngest counselor gone missing? Augh, so much!!
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Post by ravenwing989 »

So much was left hanging. ^^ There has to be more. T-T

I realize I was talking about this awesome dream in the WH topic, and forgot to post it here.

But you remember how Blind Seer turned out to be this sorceror with all this power, supposedly the most power in one body alive at that time? Well, what if - since he has all this power - what if he figured out a way to change a human to animal, or vice versa. I think he would change himself, not Firekeeper, because he wouldn't want to risk her life. Then they can both be happy. ^^
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Post by Misha12 »

So, since your 3rd fanfic is gonna be an 'after' fan fic, does that mean that its gonna be FxB, or are you gonna stay with FxD?

I would love it if Blindseer could turn himself human or turn Firekeeper into a wolf!! Thinking back on WB, I realized that with the way it ended, it will be even harder to get it turned into a movie/comic/series due to its (borderline?) beastiality. I mean, they don't mention her doing anything with Blindseer, but she is deeply in love with a wolf. People are gonna read into that and flame it. u_u
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Post by ravenwing989 »

It will be a Firekeeper X Blind Seer fic.....omg, I can't wait!! ^^
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Post by Misha12 »

What was your favorite part of Wolf's Blood? Can you pin point one part, or are there several?
Just curious ^^

Can't wait either @_@!!! Are you going to have other people from the Nexus Islands there?

Isn't Derian basically a ruler there now? o_O It seems like he holds counsel with others, but the final desicion seems to be his.
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Post by ravenwing989 »

OMG, I loved the end!!! IT was so sweet!!! ^^ Waht about you?

hmm....nexus islands peoples...i dunno

true, ture, very true....*nods*
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Post by Misha12 »

I dunno, I have so many >_<! Plus, I can't remember alot since I dont have the book in my possecion u_u. That I can think of right now, my fav part is when they dropped the sheild at night while the 'enemy' was sleeping and silently ambushed the leaders and locked them up with the birds ^_~! I would've liked a full out battle, but I guess this was nice too ^^.
The end...when she confronted the Meddler and ran off with Blindseer? I can't remember the details of it all o_o
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Post by ravenwing989 »

Oh, the dropping of the sheild thing was so awesome!!!

Yeah, that was the end. It made me cry. ^^
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Post by Misha12 »

Another fav part had to be when Citrine and Edlin arrived^^. I was so happy they were bringing back some of the old characters that were forgotten in WH.
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Post by ravenwing989 »

EDLIN!!!! yay!!! I loved when Edlin came back. ^^
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Post by moonwolf021 »

It took me over five years to say this, but I'm finished. I'm finished, I'm finished, I'm finished.

I was expecting to ball my eyes out at the end of the book. Since I've practically grown up (not saying I'm finished) reading FS, its as if a chapter of my life is over. And yet it isn't.

Because the way Jane ended the book, it doesn't seem over. But at the same time, there isn't necessairly a need for another book. Although of course I would love one.

My eyes did get wet a little with the part on the last page:
"Who knows? The world is so very large, and in these years we have seen so little. We go to see more."
"Together," Blind Seer added.
"Together," Firekeeper repeated.
I am extremely happy for the way she ended the series. She tied enough loose ends up, but left a few open so that the story doesn't feel completely over.

Gosh, theres so much to say.
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Post by ravenwing989 »

*sob* You're making me go all sentimental again, moonwolf....*wipes eyes*

What was your favorite part of the book?
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Post by moonwolf021 »

Wow, thats a good question. I'm not really sure. I'll have to look back and see.
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Post by ravenwing989 »

But there were so many good parts, weren't there? I don't know how you'll choose a favorite.
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