Book ?"I must have a brief consultation with my Fleet accountant," XXX temporized. "I will return your call shortly."
"How else?" YYY1 YYY2 murmured, with a small smile at his own wit.
YYY ? (it appears as two words in the quote, but any unambiguous designation will do, no need to give the exact wording)
Hint: YYY's "wit" can help to guess who XXX is.
Pseudo-Bonus :
Any player can answer this at any time since it has nothing at all to do with the main question.
This will not bring any point since the answer is not objective but subjective. Just my feelings of mind-siblingness (?) for the player who thinks like me.
The six first Penric stories have been published, three by three, in two collections "Penric's Progress" and "Penric's Travels"
One of these titles, for me, rings a bell about a particular episode involving a particular character, in a much earlier work.
So what am I thinking about ?